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Do you plan to add NSFW content in this game? I suggest adding minigame like this game below once you captured enemy commander.

wtf dude

while i'm not entirely opposed to the idea I think this really isn't the direction the developer intends their project to go.

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the game itself is good but lacks of anti air units perhaps like mobile SAM.
And we need enemy design cause it looks like we're just shooting our guys with different colors

AI need improvements too, cause almost everytime they just yolo and die even though they know they will be killed

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Seems like AI lacks the ability to properly shield its CV, the AI is only capable of hiding its CV somewhere in a dense forest tile.

Played a few matches in grassland map, sometimes AI sends its CV away as if its a scout if there's no dense forest tile.

Shielding the CV, as in protecting the CV by surrounding the CV with units. Its a turtle strategy to prevent TOW snipe on CV.

Is it normal that the AI is less likely to send scout-snipers first?

The best way to cheese the game is deploy scout-sniper + artilleries. As long as the sniper is well-placed and didn't die, artillery can take out almost anything.

The AI is able to send scouts, flank and snipe command vehicle. But sometimes it didn't send scout-snipers at all, instead,  it sends cargo truck to the frontlines, treating cargo trucks like a scout.....

AI is very basic right now. Don't worry, there will be improvements. Keep giving as much feedback as you can, though!

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Suggestion: Add civilian rescue mission? Just like XCOM?

For example,

Carnivores/Herbivores/Humans are trying to start a massacre on targeted community to gain support from radicals, and your army is tasked with evacuating civilians?

Contact civilians by standing near them, then escort them to evacuation point either on foot, or with vehicular transport?

Add some civilians who are heavily armed with AK-74 and molotov cocktails, or lightly armed with TOZ-28 to resist the aggressors? Show the importance of having gun rights for civilians?

That would increase the uniqueness of the game compared to Advance Wars.

Yeah I wanna have some really unique mission types. This is just the demo, though